28 research outputs found

    The roles of urocanic acid in the response of epidermal cells to UVB

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    UVB Strahlung kann erhebliche SchĂ€den in der Haut bewirken und zur Entstehung von Krebs fĂŒhren. DNS ist einer der wichtigsten Photorezeptoren von UVB Strahlung und UVB-induzierte Mutationen in der DNS sind Hauptfaktoren bei der Entstehung von Hautkrebs. Eine Rolle von DNS-Mutationen wird auch in der UVB-induzierten Immunsuppression vermutet, die durch ein Versagen des Immunsystems beim Erkennen und BekĂ€mpfen von malignen Hautzellen die Tumorentstehung verhindert. Endogene UrocaninsĂ€ure, die von dem Enzym Histidase aus Histidin generiert wird, akkumuliert in der Ă€ußersten Schicht der Haut und absorbiert sehr effizient UVB-Strahlung. Dementsprechend wurde UrocaninsĂ€ure als körpereigener Schutzfaktor gegen UV-verursachte DNS-SchĂ€digung vorgeschlagen. Durch Absorption von UVB Strahlung wird das trans-Isomer von UCA, das in der Histidase-Reaktion entsteht, partiell in das cis-Isomer umgewandelt. Es wird vermutet, dass cis-UCA an der UVB-induzierten Immunsuppression beteiligt ist, indem es sowohl die Auswanderung von Langerhans Zellen aus der Epidermis als auch BeeintrĂ€chtigungen der Langerhanszell-Funktionen, insbesondere der Antigen-PrĂ€sentation bewirkt. In dieser Arbeit wird die photoprotektive und die immunsuppressive Rolle von endogener UrocaninsĂ€ure in einem in vivo Model, der HistidinĂ€mie Maus, untersucht. HistidinĂ€mie MĂ€use tragen eine Mutation in dem Gen, das das Enzym Histidase kodiert. Diese fĂŒhrt zu stark reduzierten UCA Konzentrationen im Stratum Corneum (der obersten Schicht der Epidermis), wodurch die UVB AbsorptionskapazitĂ€t des Stratum Corneums von mutierten Tieren im Vergleich zu Wildtyp- oder Histidase-heterozygoten MĂ€usen stark wird. Die Haut von neugeborenen MĂ€usen und die rasierte RĂŒckenhaut von adulten MĂ€usen wurde mit 2 UVB-Dosen bestrahlt. Die Quantifizierung von Cyclobutandimeren zeigte, dass in histidinĂ€mischen MĂ€usen signifikant mehr DNS Schaden induziert wurde als in WildtypmĂ€usen. Auch die Zahl apoptotischer Zellen war in der Epidermis von mutanten MĂ€usen signifikant höher als in KontrollmĂ€usen. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren, dass endogene UrocaninsĂ€ure als ein wichtiger Schutzfaktor der Epidermis gegen die schĂ€digenden Effekte von UVB Strahlung fungiert. Um den Einfluss von UVB-induzierter cis-UrocaninsĂ€ure auf das Immunsystem in der Haut zu untersuchen, wurde die UVB-induzierte VerĂ€nderung der Zahl der epidermalen Langerhanszellen in histidinĂ€mischen und Wildtyp-MĂ€usen bestimmt. UVB Strahlung bewirkte einen hohen Anstieg der cis-UCA Konzentration in Wildtyp-MĂ€usen, wĂ€hrend nur sehr geringe cis-UCA Konzentrationen im Stratum Corneum von mutierten MĂ€usen nachgewiesen werden konnten. Übereinstimmend mit der erörterten Rolle von cis-UCA bei der Modulation des Immunsystems, bewirkte UVB Bestrahlung eine stĂ€rkere Reduktion der Zahl der Langerhanszellen in der Epidermis von Wildtyp-MĂ€usen als in HistidinĂ€mie-MĂ€usen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie liefern experimentelle BestĂ€tigungen fĂŒr die frĂŒher postulierten Rollen von UrocaninsĂ€ure als wichtiger endogener UV-Schutzfaktor und Signalstoff in der UVB-induzierten Immunsuppression.UVB irradiation causes skin damage which underlies skin aging and various forms of skin cancer. DNA is one of the main photoreceptors for UVB light, and UVB-induced DNA mutations have been shown to cause malignant transformation of skin cells. Moreover, DNA mutations have been implicated in UVB-induced suppression of immune responses, which may further sensitize the skin to the development of cancer. Urocanic acid (UCA) is another endogenous UVB-photoreceptor and is proposed to prevent high levels of DNA damage. It is generated by the enzyme histidase from histidine, a protein breakdown product in the cornified layer (stratum corneum) of the epidermis. By absorption of UVB irradiation, UCA is converted from the trans- to the cis-isomer. The latter has been proposed to contribute to UVB-induced immunosuppression by altering the antigen-presenting function and the number of Langerhans cells in the epidermis. The various roles of UCA in the skin have been discussed for many years, however an evaluation in an appropriate in vivo model has been lacking. Here, the photoprotective role and the immunosuppressive role of endogenous UCA were investigated in the histidinemic mouse model. Histidinemic mice carry a deleterious mutation in the gene encoding histidase and, therefore, have a strongly reduced UCA concentration in the stratum corneum. The UVB absorption capacity of aqueous extracts from the stratum corneum was significantly reduced in histidinemic mice as compared to mice carrying at least one wild-type allele of histidase. When newborn mice and the shaved back skin of adult mice were irradiated with 25 or 250 mJ/cm2 UVB, histidinemic mice accumulated significantly more DNA damage in the form of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers than wild-type mice. Furthermore, UVB irradiation induced significantly higher levels of apoptosis in the epidermis of histidinemic mice. These results provide strong evidence for an important contribution of endogenous UCA to the protection of the epidermis against the damaging effects of UVB light. To evaluate the influence of UVB-induced cis-UCA on immune responses, the UVB-induced alteration in the number of Langerhans cells was determined in normal mice and in histidinemic mice. UVB irradiation induced high levels of cis-UCA in wild-type mice whereas cis-UCA concentrations were low in irradiated mutant mice. In line with the proposed role of cis-UCA in immunomodulation, UVB induced a stronger reduction of Langerhans cell densities in wild-type mice than in mutant mice. Taken together, the results of this study establish UCA as an important endogenous UVB protection factor and as a critical modulator of immunosuppression by UVB light

    The molecular requirements of house dust mite allergens to induce allergic skin inflammation

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    Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen sind Reaktionen des Immunsystems auf harmlose Umweltantigene, die oft gesundheitsschĂ€dliche Auswirkungen haben können. Die hĂ€ufigste Form ist die Typ-1-Überempfindlichkeit - die IgE-vermittelte allergische Reaktion. Eine der hĂ€ufigsten Allergien ist die Hausstaubmilben(HDM)-allergie. Der Extrakt der Spezies Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus enthĂ€lt 23 bekannte Allergene mit Der p 1 und Der p 2 als Hauptallergene. Wie die meisten Allergene zeigen auch HDM-Allergene spezifische molekulare Eigenschaften, die entscheidend zur AllergenitĂ€t beitragen. Diese Eigenschaften wurden bisher ausfĂŒhrlich in Asthmamodellen und im Atemwegsepithel untersucht. Der p 1 ist eine Cysteinprotease, die ursprĂŒnglich an Papain (aus der Papayafrucht isoliert) modelliert wurde. Der p 1 wirkt degradierend auf Proteine der Tight Junctions (TJ) , beeintrĂ€chtigt dadurch die IntegritĂ€t des Epithels und verstĂ€rkt die Aufnahme von Der p 1 selbst, so wie von anderen Allergenen. Der p 2, ein sehr kleines Allergen, zeigt starke Homologie zu MD-2 (MD-2-CD14-TLR4 Komplex) und kann sogar in Absenz von MD-2 den TLR4 Signalweg aktivieren. Die entscheidende Rolle von TLR4 Aktivierung in der Sensibilisierung zu Der p 2 in den Atemwegen wurde durch eine Studie von Trompette et al. gezeigt, in der TLR4-defiziente MĂ€use nicht auf Der p 2 allergisch wurden. Die Lunge gilt normalerweise als sehr tolerogenes Organ - deshalb stellten wir die Hypothese auf, dass die Haut als grĂ¶ĂŸtes Organ, in direktem Kontakt zur Umwelt und sehr viele verschiedene Immunzellen beherbergend, eine weitaus bedeutendere Rolle in der Allergieentstehung darstellt. Wir wollten hier untersuchen, ob in der Haut dieselben molekularen Mechanismen eine Rolle spielen, die zur Allergisierung (Sensibilisierung) gegen Der p 1 und Der p 2 im Lungenepithel wichtig sind. Nachdem nur wenige in-vivo Modelle zu Adjvantien(Hilfsmittel)-freier transkutaner Sensibilisierung vorhanden waren, etablierten wir ein perkutanes Sensibilisierungsmodell in Balb/c MĂ€usen. Die Resultate zeigen eine starke Immunreaktion auf Der p 1 und Der p 2 nach wiederholter perkutaner Applikation, sowie Serumtiter an rDer p 1-spezifischen IgG1. Um die Rolle der TLR4 Aktivierung in allergischen Hautreaktionen gegen Der p 2 zu untersuchen, adaptierten wir dieses Modell und verglichen die Immunantwort von TLR4-defizienten MĂ€usen gegen WT C57BL/6 MĂ€use nach wiederholter epikutaner Sensibilisierung mit rekombinantem Der p 2 mit oder ohne Zugabe von LPS. Die Resultate zeigen, dass Der p 2 eine starke TH2 Immunantwort bewirkt, die zwar durch Zugabe von LPS verstĂ€rkt wurde, aber unabhĂ€ngig von TLR4 Aktivierung war, da TLR4-defiziente MĂ€use vergleichbare Resultate zeigten wie WT MĂ€use. Des Weiteren wollten wir den Einfluss der enzymatischen AktivitĂ€t von Der p 1 in der Sensibilisierung durch die Haut analysieren. Da die Generierung von rekombinantem Der p 1 nicht effizient funktioniert hatte, beschlossen wir, stattdessen die Modell-Cysteinprotease Papain zu verwenden. Wir verglichen den Effekt von aktivem versus inaktiviertem Papain auf die Hautbarriere und die Immunantwort von WT C57BL/6 MĂ€use nach einmaliger und wiederholter Applikation. Die Resultate implizieren, dass auf die Haut aufgetragenes Papain hochallergen wirkt. Wenn enzymatisch aktiv, beeintrĂ€chtigte es die Hautbarriere durch Degradierung von TJ Proteinen, erhöhte den transepidermalen Wasserverlust und erweiterte die BlutgefĂ€ĂŸe stark. Eine starke TH2-gerichtete Immunantwort war messbar - diese war unabhĂ€ngig von der enzymatischen AktivitĂ€t. Zusammenfassend beinhaltet diese Doktorthese neue Aspekte der Hautallergie und der Sensibilisierungsmechanismen ĂŒber die Haut: Die Resultate zeigen, dass die Haut eine sehr wichtige Rolle in der Allergieentwicklung reprĂ€sentiert. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass in der Sensibilisierungsphase in der Haut andere Mechanismen als in der Lunge von Bedeutung sind.House dust mite allergy is one of the most prevalent allergies. Der p 1 and Der p 2 have been identified as the major allergens and like most allergens, HDM allergens exhibit specific molecular features which render them allergenic. Der p 1 is a cysteine protease and acts on tight junctional proteins of the airway epithelium. By its degradatory effect on TJ it impairs the epithelial barrier and leads to enhanced uptake of Der p 1 itself as well as other allergens. Der p 2 is a strong homologue to MD-2 (part of the MD-2-CD14-TLR4 complex) and thereby activates TLR4 signaling, even in the absence of MD-2; a study by Trompette et al. even showed unresponsiveness to Der p 2 in the airways of TLR4-deficient mice. As the lung is usually considered of being highly tolerogenic, we hypothesized that the skin represents an important route in the sensitization process. In this project, we wanted to test whether in the skin the same molecular mechanisms are important in the sensitization to Der p 1 and Der p 2 as shown for lung epithelium. The first approach was to establish a percutaneous sensitization model in BALB/c mice. The results implicate a strong response to Der p 1 and Der p 2 after repeated percutaneous application, eliciting skin alterations, infiltration of immune cells, Der p 1-specific IgG1. To study the role of TLR4 activation in allergic skin reactions towards Der p 2, we compared the immune response of TLR4-deficient C57BL/6 mice to WT C57BL/6 mice after repeated epicutaneous sensitization with recombinant Der p 2 with or without addition of LPS The results demonstrate that Der p 2 triggers a strong TH2 response and although a stronger response was observable when LPS was co-applied, the response was independent of TLR4 activation as TLR4-deficient mice showed comparable results as WT mice. ^Furthermore, we aimed to analyze the importance of enzymatic activity of an cysteine protease in the sensitization via the skin. We used the model protease papain instead and compared the effect on the skin barrier and the immune response of WT C57BL/6 mice towards active and inactive papain after initial and repeated treatment. A very strong TH-2 biased response is observable - the induction of the allergic response was independent of enzymatic activity. Taken together, this PhD thesis provides new aspects on skin allergy and on mechanisms of sensitization via the skin route: the results demonstrate that the skin represents an important route in the development of environmental allergies and illustrates that in the skin, other mechanisms (than in lung epithelium) are of importance during sensitization to certain allergens like Der p 2.submitted by Caroline StremnitzerAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in dt. SpracheWien, Med. Univ., Diss., 2014OeBB(VLID)271249

    The schematic (left panels) and real set up (right panels) of the imaging cage.

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    <p>(A) The complete device is composed of a type II animal cage, a photo- and a thermo-camera, which are connected to a computer and software. (1) Outer box. (2) Outer sidewall. (3) Above the cage and height-adjustable, a heat camera or heat image camera (false colour infrared camera or infrared camera) is fixed with a reference heat electrode placed in the field of view for precise calibration against a reference temperature module. (4) Mounted true colour camera, which records live real image pictures during the experiment. (5) Data are recorded and processed, and translated by software to a personal computer for processing, identifying grey scales in video input from connected infrared camera 3. The software comprises a data processing part and (7) a graphical user interface, which is commonly displayed on (6) a screen. (B) Four small animals, in this case mice, can be placed and monitored at the same time in the cage. (8) Transparent enclosure adapted to house four mice. (9) The cage comprises four outer sidewalls and (10) two inner walls, as well as a bottom portion. (11) Vertical movements can be additionally recorded to the imaging data by photo sensors comprising transmitters and receivers. (C) The mice are individually monitored, where the thermo measurements and the live video from the cage appear at the same time on the monitor. (12) False colour screen output. Two pictures are recorded and may be visualized on screens. The software translates the grey image recordings from the infrared camera (Fig 1A-3) in real-time into a false colour screen output. (13) True colour image of the true colour camera is displayed in parallel. (D) Rectal temperature (RT) was measured manually before and 20 minutes after i.v. allergen challenge of hypersensitive or negative control mice. Immediately after the challenge, the same mice were placed into the imaging cage (0 min), and the cameras monitored surface body temperature and movement activity continuously for 20 minutes (20 min).</p

    Monitoring of surface body temperature in the peanut allergy model.

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    <p>Mice M1-M3 were sham-treated (PBS), M4-M6 were specifically sensitized with peanut allergen Ara h 2 (Ara h 2), all mice were i.v. challenged with Ara h 2 and monitored in the imaging cage over 20 minutes, with an image frequency of 4 frames/sec. (A) Temperature curves of individual mice; y-axis represents temperature in °C, x-axis: number of frames during 20 min. (B) The mean drops of the body surface temperatures over time of each mouse group were compared and differed significantly (*** p<0.001).</p

    Anaphylaxis Imaging: Non-Invasive Measurement of Surface Body Temperature and Physical Activity in Small Animals

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    <div><p>In highly sensitized patients, the encounter with a specific allergen from food, insect stings or medications may rapidly induce systemic anaphylaxis with potentially lethal symptoms. Countless animal models of anaphylaxis, most often in BALB/c mice, were established to understand the pathophysiology and to prove the safety of different treatments. The most common symptoms during anaphylactic shock are drop of body temperature and reduced physical activity. To refine, improve and objectify the currently applied manual monitoring methods, we developed an imaging method for the automated, non-invasive measurement of the whole-body surface temperature and, at the same time, of the horizontal and vertical movement activity of small animals. We tested the anaphylaxis imaging in three <i>in vivo</i> allergy mouse models for i) milk allergy, ii) peanut allergy and iii) egg allergy. These proof-of-principle experiments suggest that the imaging technology represents a reliable non-invasive method for the objective monitoring of small animals during anaphylaxis over time. We propose that the method will be useful for monitoring diseases associated with both, changes in body temperature and in physical behaviour.</p></div

    Comparison of body temperature measurements: rectally by hand-held thermometer (core body temperature) versus imaging cage (surface body temperature) before and after allergen challenge in 2 different allergy mouse models.

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    <p>Comparison of body temperature measurements: rectally by hand-held thermometer (core body temperature) versus imaging cage (surface body temperature) before and after allergen challenge in 2 different allergy mouse models.</p

    Monitoring of mouse vertical physical activity in the milk allergy model.

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    <p>(A) Readout of vertical physical activity of individual mice. Mice M1-M3 were sham-treated (PBS), M4-M6 were specifically sensitized with aluminium-absorbed milk allergen casein (alum-casein), and all mice were i.v. challenged with casein. The mouse cross sectional image area in pixels was recorded (y-axis). The number of signals over 16 min is given in the x-axis (4 frames/second). (B) Statistical analysis of the differences (delta) of mean values of cross sectional area changes in the PBS and alum-casein groups (** p = 0.0019).</p

    Papain Degrades Tight Junction Proteins of Human Keratinocytes In Vitro and Sensitizes C57BL/6 Mice via the Skin Independent of its Enzymatic Activity or TLR4 Activation

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    Papain is commonly used in food, pharmaceutical, textile, and cosmetic industries and is known to induce occupational allergic asthma. We have previously shown that the papain-like cysteine protease Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 1 from house dust mite exhibits percutaneous sensitization potential. We aimed here to investigate the potential of papain itself in epicutaneous sensitization. The effects of papain on tight junction (TJ) proteins were tested in vitro in human primary keratinocytes. Using C57BL/6 wild-type and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-deficient mice, we analyzed the sensitization potential of papain, its effects on the skin barrier, and immune cell recruitment. Our results show that papain affects the skin barrier by increasing transepidermal water loss, degrading TJ proteins and inducing vasodilation. When topically applied, papain exhibited a high epicutaneous inflammatory potential by recruiting neutrophils, mast cells, and CD3-positive cells and by induction of a TH2-biased antibody response. However, its high potency for specific sensitization via the skin was TLR4 independent and, in spite of its capacity to degrade epidermal TJ proteins, does not rely on its enzymatic function. From our data, we conclude that papain has all features to act as a strong allergen via the skin

    Surface body temperature imaging in the milk allergy model.

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    <p>Mice M1-M3 were sham-treated (PBS), M4-M6 were specifically sensitized with aluminium-absorbed milk allergen casein (alum-casein), all mice were i.v. challenged with casein and monitored in the imaging cage over 20 minutes, with an image frequency of 4 frames/sec. (A) Temperature curves of individual mice; y-axis represents temperature in °C, x-axis: number of frames during 20 min. (B) The mean results of drop of the body surface temperatures over time of each mouse group were compared and differed significantly (** p<0.01).</p